Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A short break...

Hey friends - I have to confess to some stupidity. I did NOT back up my computer and when the power blinked out the other night, it fried the hard drive. Five years of files GONE. So I'll get back on track next week with posts and ideas, but for the time being, I need to work on rebuilding some of the stuff I'd worked up to share.

Go back up your files. Right now. Not later. I was going to do it later. Didn't have time. Hmmmph.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Product Spotlight: Villa Footed Server

Don't you love the way this Villa Footed Server showcases everything beautifully, from this season's pears to colorful gourds for the upcoming autumn holidays. That's why it's the Willow House Product of the Week! We love it for serving and decorating — how would you use it? Find it on page 42 of the catalog, a BEAUTIFUL addition to your Villa Stoneware Collection. Retail Price $59.96. Hostess half price $29.98 (or FREE with Hostess Dollars). Customers - get this piece and add the Appetizer Tray for 50% off - only $19.96 when you purchase the Footed Server. Holds 6 cups.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Product Spotlight: Eyelet Ribbon Plate

Yum! Don't you love the look of hummus and spicy dip served on our Eyelet Ribbon Plate, today's Product of the Week? Heavy glass means you can use it as a plate or tray. Willow House tied on a fun herb bouquet here, but you could also run a ribbon through the plate's eyelets to add a pop of color.

This has been a customer favorite this fall, several of you have purchased it as your Customer Special. At $39.96 retail ($19.98 as a Special), you'll get your money's worth back out of it at every occasion. How would you use it?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Consultant Tip: Stay out of Debt!

This is something we don't talk about much in the industry, but it's such an important lesson that it MUST be shared.


About 13 years ago, hubby and I joined a health & nutrition/weight loss company. We bought products and I was a retail machine - I had lost 62 lbs. and therefore everyone wanted to do what I was doing. But it was a financial nightmare for us. We stockpiled inventory and helped ourselves to whatever we wanted, charging huge sums on the card but retailing it off we were able to pay back a couple thousand dollars each month. After all, we were doing what our upline said and we were going to be RICH. Right.

After 3 years, it was unsustainable. The payments on the cards (notice there are now multiple ones) were going to take 398 years to pay back at the minimum. So we tucked our tails between our legs, gave up the business, and filed for bankruptcy protection. Ouch.

Obviously, I loved direct sales, as I started back into it a few years later with Southern Living at HOME (now Willow House). My biggest rule of thumb is I never charge any products I want - no matter how much I want them. I'm very proud to tell prospective consultants that I earned back the $199 I spent on my kit at my own launch show, and was turning a profit by the end of my first month. Sure, I add things on to orders for myself, but when I deposit funds to my SPECIFIED Willow House bank account, I know exactly how much is mine to spend. There is never any question as to whether I could "afford" to purchase a certain piece. I hostess once or twice a year myself to earn the Host Rewards and get it for free or at big discounts.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - if you are in Direct Sales, NEVER spend more than you're making. Sure, the discount is nice, and you earned that money, but go back to the reason you decided to get into the business before you make your own life harder. If it was for products at a discount, spend up to the amount you earned (and have that seperate bank account so you know for sure!). If it was for an extra $500 per month to pay DOWN your current debt, then spending everything you make on more product will only upset your husband and make you feel like a failure. Whatever your reasons - YOU know them. Hold yourself accountable.

As for me - I don't own every product Willow House makes. My kit came with plenty to show at parties so there is a nice sampling, and the Enhancement Kits we can get each year allow us to have some of the newer products. While I did purchase the Holiday Enhancement Kit, there wasn't enough in the special bank account to also get the Fall one, so I added a couple of pieces to a Hostesses order (retail points count too!) and I'm fine with that.

Go forth with your dreams & goals in mind, and PUT YOUR CARD AWAY. If you don't understand this, may I suggest checking out Dave Ramsey...


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inspiration for Finding YOUR Style

Get your own Inspiration Guide FREE at any of my Willow House Events this fall.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Willow House: Hyacinth Measuring Cups

Our Product of the Week, Hyacinth Measuring Cups, make baking special sweets so fun! Standard 1 cup, 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup measures make these ideal for baking — and since measures aren't printed directly on the cups (although there is an interior line for exact liquid measurements), they're ideal as serving bowls, too.
The set of 3 is only $29.96, add them to an order of $39 or more and you can get this adorable set for only $14.98.

Please share in the comments section how YOU would use them.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Working With a Theme to your Design Presentation

One of the things I'm finding success with in my Willow House business is sharing a different theme within the design presentation portion of the party. I don't mean theme as in "Tacky Party" or "Sangrias & Senoritas", but sticking with a lesson that changes each month.

In August, it was "Fave 5 for Style" - working in Odd numbers, Texture, Height, Hue & Pattern, and Cool. For September, our focus is the "Fab 5 for Fall" and the presentation will be completely different. So anyone who attended one of my August parties will get a completely different experience in September, and I'm changing the games up just a bit as well. In October, the plan is "Jolly Holidays" with a focus on decorating, entertaining, and enjoying the upcoming Holiday Season. November will be all about "the Spirit of Giving", with some great gift ideas and lessons on spectacular packaging. And for December... I haven't decided! But I think I've got some time yet. And I'm sharing each of these with my team, so there is no need to "think up your own" - I've got you covered .

Spice up your presentation, change what you're showing at parties and give lots of ideas for each product you are sharing with guests, and you will soon become the "hottest ticket in town".

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Baby Turns 15 today!

Isn't it funny how long 15 years can seem in one breath, and how short it feels when you celebrate your oldest child's birthday?

My beautiful Emily, pictured here from Homecoming last year, is an amazing person. Her style is so unique - and she pulls it off somehow, too. I could never look as cute with purple highlights, spiky hair, or combat boots, yet she is never afraid to be true to herself and who she is.

Emily makes me so proud every day. Even when she thinks she's let me down, I'm proud to call her my daughter. She is one of the most sensitive, caring people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. While she doesn't have hundreds of friends, those that do know her are lucky that she calls them friend. She will always look to protect them and loves them more than she loves herself.

What a talented artist she is, too. Her gift for seeing details in her drawings and photography blow me away. While I appreciate that God gave me a gift for design, I know he passed a piece of that on to my dear daughter so that she could help the world see it "her way".

Again, Happy Birthday to the light of my life, my dear, sweet daughter. She will do amazing things and touch many lives, whether she realizes it or not. How Blessed we are!